But I think I will use this post to show you just how goofy my family is.
To preface, I have some Brazilian cousins in town. Two delightful Brazilian cousins: Gabriela, 23, and Lucas, 17. Both are from São Paulo, and they were welcomed last week by Mamá's famous pineapple-cream torta (cake) and some 25 Chilean relatives who gathered at my house to celebrate their arrival. Also welcoming them was a Chilean delicacy called mote con huesillos, or dried peaches and a corn-like substance in juice (looks like brain, tastes like heaven). They've been teaching me some Portuguese, sharing some Brazilian music (check out Brazil's version of Colbie Caillat here. Or Damien Rice here. I'm un poquito enamored), and really just filling my life with laughter and fun. They've already invited me to Brazil ... and, coincidentally, Vanderbilt's spring break corresponds with Carnaval. Hmmm.
Anyways, I don't know if it's the Brazilians who are bringing out the goofiness, but things have been particularly hysterical around here recently. Allow me to explain.
Friday night, the goofiness came out in the form of a costume party. After dinner, Papá pulled out his costume trunk (yep, half of his little closet is reserved especially for costumes), replete with wigs and, surprisingly, Muslim head-gear. I don't know.
During lunch on Saturday we had our first singing outbreak. Mary Poppins "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (Whoa! I spelled that right first try!) was the song of choice. A video appears below.
Tonight, we had our second outbreak, of a different kind. Animal noises.
Drat. That video isn't uploading. You'll just have to hold your horses and wait til next time for that one.
:). I hope y'all like my family as much as I do.
Ok. I must go finalize my course schedule for tomorrow. But hope everyone's August is off to a great start! Chau!
Cuando estaba en España, mi compañero de intercambio me dijo que los hispanohablantes tienen una versión castellana de Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: “supercalifragilisticoespialidoso” Pruébalo y a ver que piensan los chilenos...un besazo :)